
Showing posts from March, 2018


Overall, I think there is a lot I need to improve on and work on and I intend to work hard to do better in EXP 2. I will plan better and try my best to complete everything to the best quality!

Week 4: My Animations

Below are the animations of sections of my model.

Week 4: My Final Model

I feel like there are numerous areas that I can still improve on - interior, exterior, overall design, stairs, etc. In particular, one of the stairs is too steep. For some reason, SketchUp did not allow me to edit the stairs and make them wider. I will have to learn more about SketchUp in order to solve this problem.  By receiving feedback and evaluating my own work for Experiment 1, I hope to do much much better with my next assessment tasks!  The Stairs CJ Hendry - Rubble  Gucci - Nightmare Important to note - after passing the stairs, one must take an elevator as well to reach the workshop. By traveling down different ways, it conveys the different experiences that a nightmare can give you. I felt like an elevator connotes to the idea of being 'trapped' as well, causing me to want to include it into my architecture. 

Week 3: Videos

I found 3 videos which I thought related to Project 1. They helped me in my designs and understanding of architecture in general.  These videos touch on applying texture to a model, creating stairs on SketchUp using “The threads are components” method and discusses the importance of surface, materiality and ornaments in architecture.  Texture: Making stairs: Surface, Materiality, Ornament:

Week 3: Super Materials

I added three textures to my building: After adding them in to certain parts of the building, my more developed model looks like this: I've also displayed CJ Hendry's work and Gucci's work like this at the moment: CJ Hendry - Lego Man Gucci - Unskilled Worker silk dress I will improve this as time goes by. 

Week 3: The 36 Words + Texture Drawings

These are the 36 words my group came up with: Self-Healing Materials: Bioinspired Plastics Revive Organic Flowering Hollow Active Potent Thermoelectric Materials: Heat Scavengers Absorb sponge Reliant Compact Compress fire Perovskites: Cheap Solar Cells Energise Fuel layers Power convoluted filter Aerogels: Superlight And Strong Airy Ethereal Smoky Translucent Impermeable Compressed Metamaterials: Light Manipulators Overlap Repetition Transparency Radiate weave Intricate Stanene: 100 Percent Efficient Conductor Electroconductibility (Electricity) Molecules Collective Dynamic Energetic Powerful These are my 36 custom texture drawings based on these words:

Week 2: My Stairs

UPDATE:  After a few more practice, I was able to place the stairs inside the architecture rather than creating them outside the building. Scheme 1: Old SketchUp Model  The first few stairs I created were quite bad as I was still trying to work out how to use SketchUp. I found it difficult to create the stairs that I designed in my sections. The stairs ended up becoming more simple than I intended.  I decided to keep these stairs in the old SketchUp model as a reminder of how I can improve! Stair 1 - CJ Hendry - Frigid The stairs  curve around and eventually reach ground level. Since the 1st SketchUp Model was quite poorly made/put together, I had difficulty creating these stairs. Stair 2 - Gucci - Esoteric (NOTE: I've hidden some walls in the picture) I wanted curved edges around the stairs but after many attempts, I was unable to achieve the desired effect. Hence I decided to keep the rectanglar shape. I feel like there is still this esoteric feel to the stai

Week 2: SketchUp Model 2

I had my 2nd attempt at creating a piece of architecture with SketchUp. This time, I definitely had better control and in my opinion, this model was a better model than last time. At the moment, I feel like the underground part of the structure is its strongest aspect. Section I referred to: Words - CJ Hendry - Rubble Gucci - Nightmare Pictures of the new model: This is the scale of the model in comparison to people: (Entry to ground level) Material Selection: For the top part of the architecture, I had to portray the idea of rubble in my design. Therefore, I used stone for the building's surface. The rough texture will exhibit the rough, course characteristics or rubble and dissembled pieces.  The ground is covered in gravel. Ground floor in this model is made of glass. Since this is the place where both the designers will exhibit their work, I thought that it was very important that sufficient sunlight would enter the building to highlight the natural

Week 2: The Stairs (Sketch Sections)

STAIR SECTIONS I drew 8 sections in total for 4 different stairs (2 stairs for my old sketchup model and 2 stairs for my new sketchup model) Scheme 1 - Old SketchUp Model Scheme 2 - New SketchUp Model  

Week 2: The Stairs (Planning/Inspirations)

To create my stairs, I did some research and brainstormed what I could possibly include in my designs: Scheme 1 = Frigid (CJ Hendry), Mysterious (Gucci) Mysterious - Gucci: ·        Dark, shadowy, heavy stair, one colour? ·        Mix of light and heavy? ·        Multiple elements = confusing? ·        Curls, swirls ornamentation à or the steps themselves are curvy? ·        Like in a maze à lots of lines crossing over ·        Can’t really see well where the stairs lead to ·        Swirling down chairs ·        Black and white? ·        Play with spaces – have some, but change it up as the stair goes up? ·        Include a mirror on the side of the stairs à the stairs seem wider/longer than they actually are? à adds the mysterious atmosphere? o    Warped mirror à warps the body? o    Mirror on the stairs? ·        No railings ·        More intersections/ more directions -->  spreading different ways ·        Dim lights on top of the stairs

Week 1: SketchUp Model 1

My first attempt at creating a SketchUp model of an architecture for Gucci & CJ Hendry. I encountered numerous problems and I found the computer program hard to use at first. I feel like there is a lot I need to improve on.  Material selection: For the top part of the structure, I used 'Cladding Siding Tan' For the underground building, I used 'Cladding Stucco White'. I felt like I didn't pay enough to material selection. In this week's exercise, I focused more on creating the form of the building and using different colours to highlight the top and bottom part of the architecture. I intend to focus more on material selection in the next exercise.  To improve: - Don't merge top part of the architecture as a group - I  was unable to colour separate elements of the building and add onto the ground level of the building because of this.  - Improve on creating different shapes - Learn how to control the computer program better - PRACTIS

Experiment 1: Week 1 - The 18 Sketch Sections

During tutorial, I drew 18 sections of different buildings. The architecture is to be made for my clients, Gucci & CJ Hendry.  The drawings are very conceptual and abstract.        REVERSE:         I will choose one of these sections and create a 3D model of it on SketchUp!